Does chasing blessings get you blessings? Does running from curses save you from curses? The world thinks so. Sadly, so do many Christians. But Scripture teaches otherwise. It says that chasing obedience gets you blessings and running from disobedience saves you from curses.
Think about it, because if you can't get this straight then you are in or are headed for some very frustrating, undesirable outcomes that you will be impotent to change.
"But surely God does not want us to obey the silly, irrelevant, outdated, savage, immoral, embarrassing, non-traditional, and/or primitive laws, right?"
Wrong. The Creator made us and owns us and gets to make the rules and He even went so far as to go to great personal lengths to reconcile us to them. Can a goat understand tax loopholes? Don't try to second guess God.
So stop worrying about and fearing the curses and start worrying about how to take God and His laws seriously. Stop chasing blessings and chase obedience instead. Then be thankful when the blessings chase you.