It is a mind bending and disconcerting experience to find yourself the object of psychological abuse from fellow Christians when you make a case for the ongoing validity of some Biblical law or other. It is then that you find out that they do not share your presupposition of the primacy of Scripture as the source of truth, of law, of the definition of right and wrong.
These fellow Christians look like you, they talk like you, they attend church like you, but they are mysteriously impervious to arguments based on Scripture that go against anything they currently believe and practice.
Chances are they have been immunized against Biblical law by the specter of "works righteousness" which has been drilled into them their whole lives from corrupt pulpits. Beyond a periodic reminder of the Ten Commandments, they maintain a very suspicious view of any of the details of the law (which the Ten Commandments merely summarize).
However, needing details about right and wrong in order to live our lives, they adopt them from humanist sources, from outside of Scripture, justifying these as an amorphous "law of Christ" which replaces and is superior to the old and inferior "law of Moses." Unanchored from the laws of Scripture, they are set adrift, subject to the winds of false doctrine and the currents of culture.
There is a sure remedy: the faithful teaching of the ongoing validity of Biblical law in all its details, of the presupposition of 'sola Scriptura' in it's autographa, it's original writing and meaning. A good source of this teaching can be found and easily accessed at Pocket College.
So, do not be disheartened by those who walk among us but have a false source of law and thus a false god. Rather, seek to help them be taught aright. Be an example of humility before God's LawWord, being patient and long suffering with our ignorant and abusive brethren.