by Adi Schlebusch
The well-known Dutch theologian Abraham Kuyper (1837—1920) famously noted in a speech he delivered with the establishment of the Free University Amsterdam as a Christian university in 1881 that
There is not a single square inch in the entire domain of human existence over which Christ, who is Lord over all, does not exclaim: ‘Mine!”[1]
The resurrection of Christ confirmed and sealed his universal Lordship. Christ’s resurrection inaugurated his New World Order Kingdom. Because Christ’s Lordship is universal, no aspect of human existence can remain neutral with regard to his rule. It is for this reason that Jesus noted in Mark 9:40 that “he who is not against us, is for us.” It is for this reason that Scripture teaches us in I Corinthians 10:31 that “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
Every single thing that we think or do is either in opposition to or in service of Christ’s Kingdom. Sin therefore essentially amounts to us, as people, denying the Lordship of Christ over our lives through thoughts and in deeds that violate his law. Unfortunately for us, such a denial has catastrophic consequences: for us as individuals, for us as families, for us as nations as well as for the world at large. The consequences of sin are inescapable. If you decide to get drunk, you’re going to have a hangover the next day. Empty relationships lead to an increased emptiness inside you. If you waste away your money, you go bankrupt. This happens every single time. And the reason the consequences of sin is inescapable, is because of the absolute sovereignty of a good Creator who has designed creation to function in this way. There is simply no other explanation for these realities. The sexual revolution has destroyed the family, and because the family is so foundational to human society, our societies and civilizations are being destroyed in the process. The consequent collapsing birthrates combined with a Neo-Babelist policy of mass immigration is effectuating our own extinction.
The Lordship of Christ is not merely a theoretical or abstract concept, but an inescapable and practical reality that necessarily confronts every human being. You are either constructively fighting on the winning side for Christ’s Kingdom, or causing decay and destruction on the losing side and in opposition to it.
The author is a senior researcher at the Pactum Institute.