Missed out on a great investment? Here is a sure thing. Suffer some loss for Christ and His kingdom and God will pay you back many fold.

“But true sacrilege is against God. And it requires restitution and restoration. Where man does not affect this restitution and restoration by his faith and obedience, God exacts it by His judgment. Moreover, not only does God declare that where there is sacrilege, where there is a violation of His law, there is also irresistible curses, and everlasting condemnation.
But He also makes clear the extent to which He, for those who work for restitution and restoration, crowns their labors and their faithfulness with His blessing. Because, in our text we read that in the general regeneration of all things, not only will the disciples sit in judgment of others, but then He goes on to say, everyone, everyone, that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands for My Name’s sake, everyone who has made any sacrifice, who has lost anything in My service, who has paid a price for standing up for My Name and for My Word, I shall make restitution. They shall receive in hundred fold and shall inherit everlasting life. This is a magnificent statement. Because our Lord declares indeed, that there are penalties attached to standing up for Him.
But that there is also in this world a process at work, that sacrilege, though momentarily it seems to prosper, will be judged and condemned, and that though standing for Him costs us something from time to time, He blesses us even now and in the end, we receive, among other things, a hundred fold restitution. We have, thus, a magnificent strand that goes through all of Scripture; a double development: Sacrilege, leading ultimately in its final implications to a hundred fold condemnation, faith and obedience; restitution and restoration in terms of the Lord leading to blessings, to the new creation, and among other things a hundred fold restoration from God the Son." -RJ Rushdoony