Now that has shown that the vaunted main stream media can be taken down and their credibility destroyed we would like to do the same thing to main stream liberal arts colleges and universities. Pocket College - - has the content. Now it just needs to be properly delivered and presented using all the forms of media and apps on the mobile platforms people use. This task requires more than what I (Arnold Jagt) as one individual can do alone. I need a team of professional programmers and media savvy people to help. According to Biblical law we cannot charge for teaching Biblical law so we must ask for donations to do this.
As Dr. Rushdoony explains, Christian civilization built upon the study, practice, application, and teaching of Biblical Law can only take place when Christians once again tithe, and for us here specifically the Levitical tithe. This is what builds the character capital required to build the economic capital we depend on.
Your tithe will be used to build and support Pocket College where Scripture is the foundation and ground of all things as expounded by RJ Rushdoony.
You can pay your Levitical tithe by clicking the graphic below:
Donations can also be made by check or money order to:
Arnold Jagt
3321 Sesame Dr.
Howell, MI 48843
You may also tithe or gift BitCoin to Pocket College here:

BitCoin address: bc1qxaty6sjsta6md504an0269p9w7eknp3r52tekj