I was thinking of adding a new book to the Bible, a comic book, that would help fill in the missing pieces that somehow got left out. Like how Sunday is the Sabbath now, and maybe a list of things that were formerly abominations but now are fine, and exactly which laws are ceremonial (whatever that means) and can now be safely ignored, which laws were calendar laws and can no be safely ignored, which laws dealt with money and usury and can now be safely ignored, which laws were food laws and can now be safely ignored, which laws were for Israel only and can now be safely ignored, which laws were land laws and can now be safely ignored, which laws were for an ancient agrarian people and can now be safely ignored, which laws were for a patriarchal society and can now be safely ignored, etc.
Then there would be a section for the new laws and sins that were somehow left out, the new feast days, how grace replaced law, etc.
Thank goodness God has us modern Christians to help Him out with this!
Here is a good beginning, don't you think? Ev the Rev Comic is where Rev. Twistruth explains how God finally gets it right.
Arnold Jagt - arnold.jagt@gmail.com