By Adi Schlebusch
I much prefer promoting constructive ideas and theories than engaging in uninteresting polemic battles, but given the fact that we have so many Marxist infiltrators posing as “Theonomists” or “Christian Reconstructionists” these days, this post has lamentably become necessary. But I’ll keep this brief.
Doug Wilson is a pedophile protector and a heretic who not only denies the doctrine of justification by faith, but also believes genetically modified food is a sign of the coming of God’s Kingdom.
Gary Demar holds to a heretical eschatology and openly questions the Apostle's Creed's teaching of the second coming and the future resurrection of the body.
James White is an academic fraud who goes around flaunting his bogus "doctrorate degree" in an attempt to gain scholarly credibility. He denies the authenticity of Scripture altogether.
James Jordan is a hyper-ecclesiocentrist heretic who believes the sole reason Jesus could even speak to prostitutes and thieves so as to call them to repentance was because they weren’t excommunicated by any established church.
These people are clowns. They shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone. Keep that in mind when the likes of Wilson, DeMar, and Jordan advocate for Marxist ideas such as open borders, multiculturalism, and the continued legalization of pornography. They are just Marxists doing what Marxists do. Nothing more, nothing less.
They aren’t representative of genuine Theonomy in any way. People who protect pedophiles, question the future resurrection of the body, deny the authenticity of Scripture and hold Papist views on the Church aren’t people who take the Law of God seriously at all. So no, the problem here isn’t that they maintain a “biblicism” like the some critics on the right often claim. In fact, I would say these men are ideologically much closer to those Thomists who believe sodomy accords with natural law than they are to orthodox Theonomists.
The author is a senior researcher with the Pactum Institute.