Therefore, whoever relaxes one of these commandments, the least, and shall teach men so, he shall be called least in the kingdom of Heaven. But whoever does and teaches them, this one shall be called great in the kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 5:19
Imagine that you have spent your life in the ministry and stood your ground and taken slings and arrows, and nonetheless persevered. But then find that there are certain laws and commands that you can't help but think are abolished and, in fact, are patently absurd. Thus you find yourself denying, denigrating, and dismissing, not just a single little law, but whole categories of Biblical law.
And why not! After all, you have a thousand years of church tradition to back you up, the good opinion of your peers, and your wife's approval. You don't mind being the least in the kingdom of heaven right? After all, its still heaven.
So what does Jesus want from us?
The definition of love is to put God's law into action and the first commandment is:
"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment."
Mark 12:30
What does God want from us more than praise and worship? Obedience. Obedience to even the least of His commandments. If there is a way to obey a Biblical law, he wants us to find it and do it, and teach others to do likewise.