A denial of hierarchy and Biblical law, as Tom Shipley has shown, leads to an egalitarianism where men and woman are supposed to be equal. Only they are not.
Men are in fact competitive and innovative while women are cooperative and contributing. This is why men vote in terms of free enterprise while women favor socialism. Free enterprise works best in the world outside the home where there is a minimal common covenant. Cooperation and contributing to a common good is what works best inside the home where a strong well defined covenant is the rule.
This is why Biblical law is the key to restoring marriage, politics, and economics to health and prosperity.
Men today are always confounded as to why people vote for socialism against all common sense. But it is their failure as Biblical law covenant keepers that has forced women to rely on the state and it's law thus producing socialism. But it is a false support and eventually gives way to failure and breakdown (see the end of Isaiah 3).
Biblical law is the key to restoring men to their manhood in the home and to prosperity in the marketplace (see the Isaiah 4).