Professor: Dr. R.J. Rushdoony
Subject: Systematic Theology - Authority
Genre: Lecture
Lesson: 1 of 19
Lecture: https://pocketcollege.com/transcript/RR4021a.html
Deep Dive Podcast about this Lecture - by NotebookLM
The provided text excerpts are from a series of lectures by R.J. Rushdoony on the nature of authority. Rushdoony uses a variety of historical examples and Biblical passages to explore how authority functions in a world marked by sin and rebellion. He argues that true authority originates from God and flows through institutions such as the family, church, and state. However, fallen man often corrupts God-ordained authority, seeking to usurp it for his own purposes, ultimately leading to tyranny and injustice. The true exercise of authority, according to Rushdoony, is a ministry of service that aligns itself with the will of God and seeks to bring about His righteous reign on earth.
FAQ on Authority
From a Biblical Perspective
What is the central issue regarding authority?
The central issue of authority is: Who is Lord? Is it God or man? Many today live as if they are their own God, determining for themselves what is right and wrong. They reject the idea that God has ultimate authority.
How does God's authority differ from man's authority?
God's authority is absolute, while man's authority is derivative and conditional. God is accountable to no one, but all people are accountable to God. We are responsible for our actions and cannot blame our environment or God for our sin.
How are authority and power related in the Bible?
In God, authority and power are inseparable. However, for humans, true power comes from faithfully submitting to God's authority. As we grow in holiness and faithfulness to His Word, we also grow in power through the Holy Spirit.
What is the significance of the “keys of the kingdom”?
The keys of the kingdom represent the authority to unlock the knowledge of God’s law and His calling for His people. This authority is given to the Church so that all believers can grow in their own authority and become a "royal priesthood".
What is the role of the cherubim and seraphim in relation to God's authority?
The seraphim, as attendants to God's throne, emphasize His transcendent power and authority, focusing on God's holiness and our need for atonement. The cherubim, who guard God's presence, represent His authority exercised in history and time. Both beings demonstrate different aspects of God's authority and our responsibility to live under it.
Why does God allow Satan to have authority?
God gives Satan limited authority to demonstrate the consequences of rejecting His rule. This allows falsehood to have its full effect, revealing its destructive nature. Ultimately, God uses this experience to draw people back to Himself, showing that His way leads to life, while Satan's way leads to death.
What is the significance of the statement “Sing, O barren”?
This statement, addressed to those who feel hopeless and without prospects, reveals God's power to bring life from barrenness. It signifies that God chooses and empowers the overlooked and marginalized to participate in His work of redeeming the world. Those who seem insignificant in the world's eyes are given a special role in God's plan.
What happens when we live under God’s authority?
Submitting to God's authority leads to life, blessing, and true freedom. We find true prosperity and success when our lives are aligned with His Word and we acknowledge Him as the ultimate authority in every area of life.