YHVH, through Torah, is the source of all definition, meaning, purpose, truth, life, law, and authority. Satan, through humanism (man as the determiner of right and wrong), is the source of obfuscation, meaninglessness, purposelessness, false witness, death, lawlessness, and tyranny. In other words, sin creates alienation from life.
Alienists are people who hate YHVH and not only love death [Proverbs 8:36] but also are alienated from their own children (abortion, public school), their gender (sodomy, effeminate), their families (feminism), their culture (multiculturalism), their nation (illegal/non-covenant immigration), their economy (socialism, et al), and yes, their race as well (reverse racism, affirmative action, etc.).

YHVH, through his Torah (written and incarnate) works to reconcile and restore us who are saved back to Himself, to life, to others, to ourselves, and to creation. He also works through His Torah to destroy His enemies and the antinomians. Christians who attack Biblical Law (Torah) and are soft on one or more of the issues above are, in fact, alienist and bed fellows to the humanists they purport to oppose.
Families, genders, cultures, nations, economies, and races all find their best and fullest meaning and definition within the context of Biblical Law or Torah. Only within the context of Torah are all relationships win-win.