32 New Courses - 512 New Lessons added to Pocket College:

103 2nd Corinthians
104 Systematic Theology - Authority
105 Systematic Theology - Church
106 Systematic Theology - Covenant
107 Systematic Theology - Creation and Providence
108 Systematic Theology - Eschatology
109 Systematic Theology - Family
110 Systematic Theology - Salvation
111 Systematic Theology - Sin
112 Systematic Theology - The Land
113 Systematic Theology - The State
114 Systematic Theology - Work
115 Living by Faith - Romans
116 Education and Christian Faith
117 Enemies of the Church - Jude
119 Miscellaneous
120 First John
121 Christ, Politics, And the Media
122 Education
123 Living by Faith - Galatians
124 The True Mediator - James
125 Science the New Source of Truth
126 Revival, Reformation, and Reconstruction
127 The World Under God's Law
128 Christian Education
129 Bonus Lectures
130 Enemies in The Church
131 Elijah and Elisha for Today
132 Aspects of Systematic Theology
133 Eschatology
134 Evangelism
135 Knowing the Triune God
For now they are all just listed at the bottom of http://www.pocketcollge.com It will take me a while to add them to the Subject/Courses section at the top.
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