This four-year schedule is meticulously crafted to deliver all the rich educational content offered by Pocket College. Summary: Year 1 Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Session Year 2 Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Session Year 3 Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Session Year 4 Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Session This schedule covers a wide…
How to Solve South Koreas 4B Demographic Problem
rom Grok AI 2.0: Alright, let’s dive into some creative, unconventional, and perhaps controversial strategies that could stimulate interest in dating and relationships: Remember, these ideas tread into speculative fiction territory, where the boundaries of ethics, privacy, and individual freedom might be significantly altered or ignored for the sake of narrative or dramatic effect. How…
The Co-Inherence of Love: Exploring Charles Williams’s Vision in Marriage, Family, and Society
Introduction Christianity, at its core, presents a profound model of mutual exchange and shared existence. This model is vividly encapsulated in the concept of co-inherence, a term popularized by Charles Williams, a British theologian and writer. Williams’s theology illuminates the intricate web of relationships that bind individuals to one another and to God, suggesting that…
Rushdoony Prayer Trifecta
Was Abraham a Liar?
Before you let commentators of low character disparage Abraham, a man of high character, as a lying scoundrel, hear the truth about him. Love, Justice, and Idealism Idealism: Self-righteousness vs. God’s righteousness Love, Justice, and Idealism: Self-righteousness vs. God’s Righteousness A lecture by Dr. R.J. Rushdoony Abraham’s Journey Let us turn now to the twelfth…
Deamidation and Molecular Clocks
Deep Dive Podcast on Metabolic Profiling by NotebookLM Briefing Document: Deamidation of Asparaginyl and Glutaminyl Residues This briefing document reviews the key themes and findings from two sources: Molecular Clocks: Deamidation of Asparaginyl and Glutaminyl Residues in Peptides and Proteins by Noah E. Robinson and Arthur B. Robinson (2004) and Metabolic Profiling by Arthur B.…
Author and Authority
Professor: Dr. R.J. RushdoonySubject: Systematic Theology – AuthorityGenre: LectureLesson: 1 of 19Lecture: Deep Dive Podcast about this Lecture – by NotebookLM Summary The provided text excerpts are from a series of lectures by R.J. Rushdoony on the nature of authority. Rushdoony uses a variety of historical examples and Biblical passages to explore how authority functions in a world…
Problem Set 2
Problem 25/167: Given the system shown – all surfaces are frictionless. If m=150 grams is released when it is d=4.0 ft. above the base of M=1650 grams, how long after release will m strike the base of M? Description of the Drawing: The drawing shows a system with a block m hanging inside a vertical…
RC AGI BenchMark
The Strong Problems – For Advanced CalTech Students Problem 1/167: A Caltech freshman, inexperienced with suburban traffic officers, has justreceived a ticket for speeding. – Thereafter, when he comes upon one of the “Speedometer Test” sections on a level stretch of highway, he decides to check his speedometer reading. As he passes the “0” start…
Unlocking AGI: The Crucial Role of Deep Language in Pursuing True Intelligence
Take a pre-woke version of the Oxford English Dictionary and make it’s definitions the heart of an LLM and figure out how it can be used to make an AGI. Answer Creating an AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) using the framework of a “pre-woke” Oxford English Dictionary (OED) as the core linguistic model would be an…
Epistemology is the Key to AGI
Prompt: Take everything written by Cornelius Van Til and RJ Rushdoony and apply their understanding of epistemology and figure out how it can be used to make an AGI. AI No. 1: Applying the epistemological frameworks of Cornelius Van Til and R.J. Rushdoony to the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) involves several complex layers…
Examining Modern Anti-Christ Marxist Arguments
Is Christ’s Silence on Slavery and Racism Evidence of Moral Cowardice? Was Christ a moral coward for failing to condemn slavery and racism?This is the position of modern day anti-Christ Marxists as they sway weak minded Christians with feigned moral superiority while spewing about accusations of injustice.So what is slavery in Scripture? An accommodation of…
We ask AI: Why are we here? What is our purpose?
Unity in the Eucharist: Oneness with Christ
A Socialist World is an Impossibility
“But a socialist world is an impossibility, It is a consumption-economy, not a production-economy. Without outside help, it quickly perishes. That death is in the offing, and it will be an ugly, hard death, but die it will. The economic tailspin, devaluation followed by devaluation, inflation and more inflation, all this and more, followed by…
A Christian Manifesto
The Incarnate Torah reading from Inscripturate Torah 1. Sovereignty is an attribute of God alone, not of man nor the state. God alone is Lord or Sovereign over all things; over state, school, family, vocations, society and all things else. 2. The Bible is given as the common law of men and nations and was…
The Ten Fundamentals of Modern Statism
1. The first duty of every state is to protect the state, not the people. 2. Other states are occasional enemies; the people are the continual enemies. 3. The purpose of taxation is confiscation, control, the redistribution of wealth, control, the support of civil government, and control. 4. All steps to increase state power must…
‘Ask Rushdoony’ anything about the Doctrine of Authority
Based on Pocket College’s Doctrine of Authority lectures and using Google Notebook LLM. Try it here: What is Notebook LLM? NotebookLM is an experimental AI-powered tool by Google that seeks to redefine note-taking and research with the help of a powerful language model. It’s like having a super-charged partner for your intellectual pursuits, helping…
What Stirs You Up? What Holds Sway Over You?
And (((they))) are still doing it today on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost, WP, NYT, etc. Are you stirable by these agitators? Are you a weak minded, cowardly, virtue signaler or does Scripture have sway over you? Choose! Matthew 27:20 But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and…
A Prescription for Dominion
God’s law is a plan and prescription for dominion in all of life. It is a statement of the means to victory by Christ’s covenant people in their daily lives, in education, the family, the school, the arts and sciences, our vocations, in church, state, and everywhere else. R. J. Rushdoony We study, obey, and…
Pactum Institute
The Kingdom and the Church
by Adi Schlebusch When speaking of the Kingdom, the Church, and the relationship between the two, it is first necessary to define both. Throughout Scripture, both are mentioned dozens of times as being the possession of God. The Greek word used in the New Testament for the church, ecclesia (ἐκκλησία), is perhaps one of the…
Pactum Institute
Before we can have Christian Nationalism, we need Confessional Covenantalism
by Adi Schlebusch Demographics is destiny, and this is nowhere more true than in the area of religion. When Althusius, one of the leading political philosophers in the Federal or Covenantal political tradition, famously stated that “diversity destroys unity,” he was referring to ecclesiastical diversity.[1] I wonder what Althusius would make of the modern nation…
Pactum Institute
The Theological Significance of Sharing a Meal
By Adi Schlebusch The notion of sharing a meal plays an important role throughout Scripture. Right at the beginning of creation when God addresses man for the very first time, He issues an invitation to man in Genesis 1:29 to eat from the fruits of the Garden of Eden. Jesus’ last night with his disciples…
Pactum Institute
Stop paying any attention to fake “theonomist” charlatans like Doug Wilson, Gary Demar, James White, and James Jordan
By Adi Schlebusch I much prefer promoting constructive ideas and theories than engaging in uninteresting polemic battles, but given the fact that we have so many Marxist infiltrators posing as “Theonomists” or “Christian Reconstructionists” these days, this post has lamentably become necessary. But I’ll keep this brief. Doug Wilson is a pedophile protector and a…
Pactum Institute
Heinrich Bullinger and the Duties of Patriotism
Pactum Institute
How the Fall of Man has Destroyed Home and Community, and how Christ Restores These
By Adi Schlebusch When God initially created Adam, he was alone, which God declared to be “not good” (Genesis 2:18). This is very striking, since with all the other things God originally created, He expressly declared to be very good. The sole exception was Adam’s isolation as individual apart from a family, that is, Adam’s…
Pactum Institute
All humans descend from the same ancestors. So why do some Familialists make ethnicity and race an issue when it comes to procreation?
By Adi Schlebusch In any discussion of moral matters, it is always vital to take into consideration whatever epistemological framework is informing the moral framework. This is because it is ludicrous and counterproductive to speak about right versus wrong without addressing the issue of truth and falsehood. All genuine Christians universally hold Scripture in high…
Pactum Institute
The Order of Justice
Pactum Institute
Rebuilding Christendom through Righteous Indoctrination
Pactum Institute
The millennial reign of Christ and Early Church Premillennialism
By Robert Hoyle Eschatology is always a topic of much interest among students of the Bible. The doctrine of “last things” is prevalent throughout the pages of Scripture and questions such as “when will the world end?” or “when is Jesus coming back?” and “what will the last days be like?” are of no recent…
Pactum Institute
Idealism as Interpretative Framework for Apocalyptic and Eschatological Narratives in Scripture
By Adi Schlebusch In light of ongoing debates on Full or Unorthodox Preterism and The American Vision’s flirtation with this heresy, I thought it appropriate and timely to write something about the way we ought to understand apocalyptic and eschatological texts in Scripture. While I agree with Classical or Partial Preterist position that prophecies regarding…
Pactum Institute
In Defense of Theology
Why is the left so violent, self-righteous, and humorless? So uncompromising and merciless?
Pretending to be God, they have taken upon themselves the punishing of evil doers, defining right and wrong, judge, jury, and executioner and, after all, being God is very, very serious business. Especially in a world of heretics and cruel memers. HOW DARE YOU?!?! But unlike God, the left have no fixed word of truth…
Pactum Institute
Herman Bavinck and the Relationship between Grace and Nature
By Adi Schlebusch The current widespread revival of discussions regarding the proper relationship between nature and grace is tremendously encouraging. A sizable minority of the church in the West—a faithful remnant—finally seem to be in the process of liberating ourselves from the shackles of Neo-Gnosticism, a heresy which has, for far too long, been used…
Pactum Institute
Reactionary Pitfalls and the Agrarian Life
by Robert Hoyle There will be an apparent paradox in this. You shall applaud and revere your fathers for their determined opposition to forms and principles which you shall receive and even sustain. But the paradox will be only in seeming. Your justification will be found where we find ours: in the fact that the…
Psalm 1: Authority and Life
Pactum Institute
Universality, Particularity, and the Covenantal Social Order
By Adi Schlebusch One of the core problems with the revolutionary political theory emerging out of the Enlightenment was its attempt to reconstruct the social order from abstractions, as opposed to recognizing the reality from which the social order emerges as foundational. The idea that liberal propositions constructed independently of the history and character of…
Pactum Institute
The Coming of the Lord Jesus
By Robert Hoyle He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.– Revelation 22:20 It is lamentable that the book of Revelation is rarely appealed to for doctrine and exhortation. Although its pages abound with Scriptural allusion, despite its containing direct imperatives (blessed is he who keeps the…
Pactum Institute
Salvation, Restoration, Deliverance: The “Last Days” and the Messianic World Order
By Robert Hoyle Introduction Holy Scripture consistently confronts Its readers with references to the last days and the end of the world. Such language is smattered throughout the first segments of the Bible (think Genesis 49:1), begins to come into focus with the Major Prophets, and develops into a major theme in the preaching of…
Pactum Institute
Voetius and Van Mastricht on Faith and Reason
By Adi Schlebusch The Dutch Reformed Scholastic Gisbetius Voetius (1569-1676) sees the epistemology of rationalism as standing in stark contrast to Christianity, given the fact that it places ultimate authority in man himself. He writes that “reason cannot precede faith or consist of clearer knowledge, and as such, reason cannot be the foundation of faith.”[1]…
Guest Article
Four Kinds of Politicians
There are basically four kinds of politicians. First, there are the professional, practical politicians who are men without principles and who are basically interested in staying in office. There are many such men today. They respond basically to pressure and to money. Principles do not move them: self-interest does. The less godly law and order…
Pactum Institute
The Characteristics of a Christian Society
by Adi Schlebusch In his 2021 book, The Confessional County: Realizing the Kingdom through Local Christendom, the senior executive fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Raymond Simmons describes the logic of social Christian covenantal confessionalism as follows: Only by Christ’s power can we begin to have a righteous society. Only by covenant is Christ’s…
Pactum Institute
The Basics of a Christian Philosophy of Education
By Adi Schlebusch Our worldview shapes our perspective on everything. If your worldview isn’t founded on the central axiom that God is both the Source and the End of reality itself (Romans 11:36), your philosophies will ultimately be inconsistent, weak and flawed. One of the spheres of life where this can perhaps most clearly be…
Pactum Institute
Private Property Rights is the Basis of a Christian Economic Theory
by Adi Schlebusch During the nineteenth century, Marxism, as the logical outflow of Liberalism, purposefully strove to eradicate the God-ordained covenantal social structures of the family, the church and the nation. One of the most important means of achieving this end was by means of the central economic principle of communism, the abolition of private…
Cultural Icebergs – The Obvious and the Subtle
Alienation vs. Reconciliation
YHVH, through Torah, is the source of all definition, meaning, purpose, truth, life, law, and authority. Satan, through humanism (man as the determiner of right and wrong), is the source of obfuscation, meaninglessness, purposelessness, false witness, death, lawlessness, and tyranny. In other words, sin creates alienation from life. Alienists are people who hate YHVH and…
Guest Article, Introduction
Why You Should Not Delay Having Babies
Pactum Institute
Liberalism’s Central Theological Axiom
by Adi Schlebusch In 2006 the humanities scholar affiliated with Marquette University in Wisconsin, Howard Kainz, published an important article in Touchstone magazine entitled Liberalism as Religion, in which he rightly pointed out how the philosophy of Liberalism essentially amounts to a religion, complete with its own dogmas, hamartiology, holy scriptures, holy sites, relics and…
When Being Depressed is Right and Proper
Feeling depressed over the evil in the land? Good. “Noah and Ezekiel honored the same God, even as He wiped out their own unrepentant families and friends, either by a flood or the angels. But first He marked those who mourned seeing the many evils around them and honored His holiness: they were His true…
A Taste of Old Southern Culture
The Key to Healthy Relationships
Within God’s Law, relationships are easy. Initiating them is easy and keeping them healthy is easy. Why? When everyone knows and obeys God’s Law there is harmony and peace. Seeming conflicts are easily resolved and just become avenues for greater understanding. When someone falls outside of God’s Law he or she is easily restored and…
New Covenant Patriarchal Husband
Easton’s Bible Dictionary defines husband thus:Husbandi.e., the “house-band,” connecting and keeping together the whole family.A man when betrothed was esteemed from that time a husband (Matt. 1:16, 20; Luke 2:5).A recently married man was exempt from going to war for “one year” (Deut. 20:7; 24:5). From the KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon:to marry, rule over,…
If Christ Rules Over Us, Dominion Will Be Ours
Culture, Introduction
Christianity is Ultimately the Dominant Culture
Exhortation from David Chilton to the Church: “We must stop acting as if we are forever destined to be a sub-culture. We are destined for dominion; we should straighten up and start acting like it. Our life and worship should reflect our expectation of dominion and our increasing capacity for responsibility. We should not see…
Pactum Institute
What is Culture?
by Adi Schlebusch The question regarding the nature and meaning of culture is an extremely relevant one for the time in which we live. We often refer to “our culture” to distinguish it form foreign or alien cultures. We also often speak of “the culture” when referring to the contemporary mainstream anti-Christian culture prevalent in…
All centralized organizations fall to the devil in a world of fiat money.
“Every attempt to pass, or every passing of fiat laws, of false measurements, in any area of life or thought, is an attempt to play God, it is an attempt to bypass work as the means of productivity and its eventual result is slavery and disaster. We must remember that consequence, a return to slavery.…
Biblical law is the key to restoring men to their manhood
A denial of hierarchy and Biblical law, as Tom Shipley has shown, leads to an egalitarianism where men and woman are supposed to be equal. Only they are not. Men are in fact competitive and innovative while women are cooperative and contributing. This is why men vote in terms of free enterprise while women favor…
Pactum Institute
The Lordship of Christ and National Distinctions
by Adi Schlebusch One of the central ploys utilized by Christ’s enemies in their attempt to overthrow his Lordship is launching attacks on those socio-covenantal structures or units which God has purposefully ordained for his own glory. In a previous entry we have already discussed the immense onslaught against the family unit. We have identified…
Pactum Institute
Our Families are to Resist and Conquer Conspiracies against Christ’s Lordship
By Adi Schlebusch In a recent post I discussed how liberals, freemasons and various other secret societies such as the Bavarian Illuminati and their successors have long conspired to destroy the family as basic covenantal and societal unit. This is because the family, ordained by God to be foundational to society, is one of the…
Be Afraid…of the Right God
“No society in a fallen world can exist without fear as an aspect of government. Without the fear of God, the fear of the state prevails. Since the French Revolution especially, the fear of the state has prevailed. It provides no order; it furthers tyranny, and it is the companion of moral anarchy. Modern man…
Pactum Institute
The Lordship of Christ and the Conspiracy against the Family
By Adi Schlebusch In Psalm 2 we see that the sinfulness of mankind drives it towards conspiring against the Triune God. This is because sinners simply refuse to submit themselves to the Lordship of Christ. Hence, the conspiracies against God also entails making plans to overthrow Christ’s Kingdom. Whereas the believer prays with Christ for…
Pactum Institute
The Lordship of Christ and the Family
by Adi Schlebusch There is a branch of Philosophy which we call Social Ontology. The word “ontology” is derived from the Greek words ontos which means “essence” or “existence” and logos which means “word” or “doctrine.” Ontology therefore entails the study of the nature of being, while social ontology specifically deals with the nature, structure…
Pactum Institute
The Lordship of Christ and the Persecution of the Apostles
Pactum Institute
The Lordship of Christ as Revealed in the New Testament
by Adi Schlebusch Few people realize that the New Testament actually emphasizes Christ’s Lordship just as much as His redemptive work with which it stands inseparably related. Luke 1:71-73 teaches that Jesus not only redeems his people from sin, but also from their enemies, so that we can serve Him without fear. In 1 Corinthians…
Pactum Institute
The Lordship of Christ as Revealed in the Old Testament
by Adi Schlebusch It is sadly still a widely-held misconception that Jesus only comes to the fore of redemptive history with His incarnation in the New Testament. As second Person of the Trinity, He is of course uncreated and His existence eternal. When king Herod inquired as to where the Christ would be born, Matthew…
Pactum Institute
The Lordship of Christ: An Inescapable and Practical Reality
by Adi Schlebusch The well-known Dutch theologian Abraham Kuyper (1837—1920) famously noted in a speech he delivered with the establishment of the Free University Amsterdam as a Christian university in 1881 that There is not a single square inch in the entire domain of human existence over which Christ, who is Lord over all, does…
Judge Jesus, the Biblical Law Maximalist
Therefore, whoever relaxes one of these commandments, the least, and shall teach men so, he shall be called least in the kingdom of Heaven. But whoever does and teaches them, this one shall be called great in the kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 5:19 Imagine that you have spent your life in the ministry and stood…
The Best Deal Ever
Christianity may be rightly understood as an Exchange Co-operative. Christ offers to bear our sins in exchange for our bearing His righteousness. We are then to turn around and offer to bear other’s burdens in exchange for ours in some measure. We are made such that our burdens are custom designed for just us and…
Bitcoin is the Path to Blessedness
False weights, monetary and commercial, are, first, called injustice, and an abomination in the sight of God and hateful to Him. Second, a nation with just measures has the promise of a long life, whereas the implication is that God’s judgment is on those who falsify weights and measures in any and every area. Third,…
The Best Investment You Can Make
Missed out on a great investment? Here is a sure thing. Suffer some loss for Christ and His kingdom and God will pay you back many fold. “But true sacrilege is against God. And it requires restitution and restoration. Where man does not affect this restitution and restoration by his faith and obedience, God exacts…
What makes RJ Rushdoony special?
His mind was the result of many centuries of careful cultivation in a carefully constructed Christian culture through carefully contracted marriages and the careful raising of godly children. Thus he had a great mental capacity for absorbing the knowledge out of books and remembering everything he read. Then, guided by the presuppositional philosophy (i.e., sola…
Let Them Marry
The Great Error of the Reformation
They Walk Among Us
It is a mind bending and disconcerting experience to find yourself the object of psychological abuse from fellow Christians when you make a case for the ongoing validity of some Biblical law or other. It is then that you find out that they do not share your presupposition of the primacy of Scripture as the…
The Bible is a book of marching orders
A prayer for today
by R.J. Rushdoony “Deliver us, oh Lord, from those who would convert our land into a place of freedom for murderers, freedom for adulterers, for thieves, perjurers and slanderers. And give us again, oh Lord, freedom under thee—responsible freedom, that we may again be a land of liberty. Establish us oh Lord in Thy Law-Word.…
Religious Nature of Education or Can Education Be Neutral? Can education be neutral? Basic to the Biblical view of man and history are the facts of creation and fall. With respect to creation we are told very plainly by the apostle John all things are made by Him and without him was anything made that was made. This tells us that there is…
What do silver, patriarchy, and theonomy have in common?
They are all: obtained with wisdom and hard work, are severely undervalued, considered disposable, and under appreciated at this time, are denigrated and their perceived value manipulated downward by the powers that shouldn’t be, are sound and full of character, have thousands of benefits and practical uses, are most beautiful in their pure form, they…
Is there anything anyone can do to escape?
from God’s curse on disobedience? Is there any substitute for obedience to Biblical Law? How about good will? Any one can agree to that. Maybe positive thinking? Norman Vincent Peale thought so. Surely self-sacrifice! Just lay your life down for the cause. Yes! Rational philosophy. The great philosophers say yes. Why not give theological sophistry…
Does Love Trump God’s law?
God’s law defines good and evil and gives us the rules for relationships. The definition of love is to put God’s law into action, to enforce His laws within the jurisdictions we are responsible for. Wisdom is understanding how, when, and which laws to apply to a particular situation. But isn’t the law a tutor…
Offenses, Offenders, and the Offended
Gods law, as the character of Christ, is the mediator of all relationships to bring life, healing, and a harmony of interests to them all. Where God’s law is not followed, for whatever reason, then rifts grow and wounds fester and relationships are broken. In cases of offense there is first the offender and the…
Guest Article
Pessimism About the Future of Christendom is Cowardly and Faithless
by Stuart DiNenno For Christians, pessimism about the future is cowardly and faithless. A view that the world is going to become worse and worse, and that Christianity will not ultimately prevail among the nations, is a heathen view. It is to believe that the gates of hell shall prevail against the church and the…
The future belongs to upper and middle class men with a Levitical calling.
-by R.J. Rushdoony No society has yet existed without its share of lower class people, that is, persons who are incapable of a future-oriented life and who are often parasitic in their living. Very often, the number of upper and middle class minds in a culture has been very limited, a thin strata of future…
The Fallacy of “Logical Analysis & Critical Thinking”
People can be very upfront about their presuppositions, or what they tell themselves their presuppositions are. But a quick read or listen will tell you that rather than “Logical Analysis & Critical Thinking” being the basis of their views, they are really extreme religionists and faith practitioners. If they give unquestioning loyalty to “evolution” and…
Biblical Law
Contagion – Day 1 – How it started.
Deut. 14:8 And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass. IBL06: Sixth Commandment Dietary Laws Deuteronomy 14:1-21, dietary rules. “14 Ye are the children of the Lord your God: ye shall not…
Biblical Law, Introduction
Wizard’s Spells vs Biblical Law
Scripture lays out the definition of right and wrong in laws, cases, and jurisdictions. You would think this would be authoritative enough for Christians to believe and act in terms of it. But wizards are always ready to test that belief. They will challenge the authority of Biblical law citing philosophy or history or some…
Fear is an act of worship.
WE WORSHIP WHAT WE FEAR “That which we most fear, we worship as our God. For fear is an act of worship. He who fears, worships that which is feared—which is unquestionable when his fear is transcendent. The whole worship of God is frequently in Scripture expressed by this one word “fear” (Mat. 4:10; Deu.…
God is not mocked.
Vain Imaginings
Does chasing blessings get you blessings? Does running from curses save you from curses? The world thinks so. Sadly, so do many Christians. But Scripture teaches otherwise. It says that chasing obedience gets you blessings and running from disobedience saves you from curses. Think about it, because if you can’t get this straight then you…
32 New Courses – 512 New Lessons
32 New Courses – 512 New Lessons added to Pocket College: 103 2nd Corinthians104 Systematic Theology – Authority105 Systematic Theology – Church106 Systematic Theology – Covenant107 Systematic Theology – Creation and Providence108 Systematic Theology – Eschatology109 Systematic Theology – Family110 Systematic Theology – Salvation111 Systematic Theology – Sin112 Systematic Theology – The Land113 Systematic Theology…
New Covenant Patriarchal Creed
10-Year Tribute to R.J. Rushdoony
Rushdoony Speaks Project
It is clear that rather than just providing one platform ( for Rushdoony’s tapes and hope people will find it and use it, we need to proactively follow the audience to the platforms where they already are and present the tapes, books, and transcripts there in the appropriate format. This means formatting, conversion, and organizing…
Biblical Law, Introduction
What did Jesus come to do anyway?
What is Love? Baby Don’t Hurt Me
Confusion reigns in the hearts of Christians when it comes to understanding what the Bible means when it talks about love. The good news is that its a misunderstanding that is easily corrected. Law and love are often put at odds with each other in the preaching we hear. “Doctrine is important but love is…
Rushdoony AI Project
Imagine having R.J. Rushdoony sitting beside you giving you his thoughts about whatever you are reading on your browser or on your phone. Now that would be cool; the best tutor in the world mentoring you and counseling you as you sought God’s kingdom and fought the devil and his minions. And now, thanks to…
Rushdoony Library Project
Introduction, Pocket College
Download Pocket College, Upgrade Your Mind
Pocket College is an online Christian college equipping the saints to advance the kingdom. Why Pocket College? Take notes online to earn course credits. Your mentor will be Professor Dr. R.J. Rushdoony. To use this most effectively with homeschooling, we recommend a lesson a day, 5 days a week beginning at age 12, starting with the Pre-Requisite courses. After…
Listen in on a great conversation
Wealth is knowledge, growth is learning, money is time, the human mind is exactly not a machine. Punishing China for being capitalists is self-defeating. Trump is eliminating 18 old regulations for every new one; a very positive development for the economy and out future. The scientific understanding of the universe is a form of worship.…
Be creative in your lives in the image of your Creator
The Power Religion
Vom Glauben leben – Römerbrief – RR311E09 – Der autonome Mensch
Lasst uns Gott anbeten. Gnade sei mit euch und Friede von Gott, unserem Vater, und vom Herrn Jesus Christus. Gib dem Herrn die Herrlichkeit seines Namens, bete den Herrn in der Schönheit der Heiligkeit an. Gott ist ein Geist, und diejenigen, die Ihn anbeten, müssen Ihn im Geist und in der Wahrheit anbeten. Lasst uns…
Rushdoony Study Bible Project
Exhortation from David Chilton to the Church
We must stop acting as if we are forever destined to be a sub-culture. We are destined for dominion; we should straighten up and start acting like it. Our life and worship should reflect our expectation of dominion and our increasing capacity for responsibility. We should not see ourselves as lonely outposts surrounded by an…
Propaganda, Indoctrination, Race, Politics & Genocide
By Peter Hammond From this distance, across the Atlantic, in another hemisphere, it seems clear to me that McDurmon & Marxinov’s miscegenation is not a Biblical agenda, but is part of the Marxist Frankfurt School cultural termite agenda. It is Marxism at work to confuse, divide and conquer. Also to corrupt and conquer. The Communist…
Peter Hammond Responds to Joel McDurmon
Publisher’s note: Peter Hammond did not ask me to publish this letter. I did so of my own accord. Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It was a surprise to see your article: “Inter-racial Marriage and Racism in Modern Ministry: Two Prominent Examples.” It was forwarded to me by…
Six Ways Patriarchy was Established Before the Fall
Eucatastrophic Presuppositionalism
by Arnold Jagt – written in response to George Gilder’s statements in First Glimpses of the Book After Telecosm in Speaking of George Gilder by Frank Gregorsky. What makes a scientist or inventor or innovator shout “Eureka!” and what is the theological significance of it? What do math and Scripture have in common? The theology…
God the Lord is bringing judgment upon the nations
“We are moving now as never before in history into a time of world wide judgment, God the Lord is bringing judgment upon the nations, and we shall see that judgment for a generation or more perhaps in one sphere after another, in the life of the church, for judgment begins at the house of God. As those whose faith is weak as water depart from among us, we will see it in the state which is teetering on the brink of moral and financial bankruptcy, we will see it in every economic area, we will see it and are beginning to see it all over the world now in the weather, we are seeing it in heightened activities, earthquakes, volcanoes and more.
God is going to bring this generation to its knees. It is a time of unequaled opportunity for us. Men’s hearts will fail them for fear, and if we proclaim the undiluted word of God, the lord God of hosts will use us to reap the greatest harvest in all of church history. I believe that and I am living and working in terms of that. May God prosper you as you serve Him to that end.”
Foundations of Social Order I – Pocket College
The Summary of the Law vs. the Specifics of the Law – NOT!
Moses vs. Jesus vs. Paul – NOT!
Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing.Isaiah 40:15
How to apply God’s LawWord to the economic crisis we face.
Christians are tempted to fall into depression and despair along with the world as we face hard economic times. But we live under a different set of rules than do those who reject the written or the walking Torah of YHWH. We live by these three rules of economics:
1. Deut. 28:1-14 If we obey YHWH’s directives, regulations, ordinances, rules, laws, statutes, and judgments, being thoroughly bridled to His way in every thought, word, and deed, then we will be blessed and prospered in every way imaginable. But we know we fall short, even as saved people, so what can we do? Look to Galatians 6:2. If we will bear one another’s burdens, within the bounds of His LawWord, then we will have fulfilled the Law of Christ and thus become eligible for those promises. This is the law of substitution. See Charles Williams (of the Inklings) for more on this long unappreciated truth.
2. Malachi 3:10 We must tithe according to His LawWord. This includes the disposition of our tithe:
a) to the Levites (that is those who teach and labor in correct understanding of YHWH’s LawWord),
b) to the poor, widows, orphans, sick, and strangers in our land and
c) for the celebration of YHWH’s feast days which would require us to reform our calendar (you will know you are on the right track when you have a new moon sabbath).
When we do this we are assured, as a matter of actually testing YHWH Himself (the only time we are allowed to so test him) that he will bless us, regardless of the current economic climate, to the point of heaped up, pressed down, and overflowing riches.
3. Matthew 6:33 If we will seek His Kingdom and the rule of His Law as our first priority, He will make it His concern to add to us all the good things that ungodly people normally seek as a priority.
4. We seek to apply the rule to cancel all debts every Sabbath year. It is reflected in our day in bankruptcy laws.
5. Money is, within the context of Biblical Law, a way to keep score of how well you bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Greater clarification on all these does entail a study of Biblical Law. The best teacher available to us for this purpose is R.J. Rushdoony. His books and audio lessons are widely available and easily accessible. See:
Fake Peace
You have probably heard or read that to gain internal peace you just have to forgive the perpetrator of whatever injustice had been inflicted on you. But this is wrong. It leaves the question of justice unresolved. So how do you gain peace? Sometimes the perpetrator has died. Sometimes the injustice goes on. Often there…
Seven Reasons Not to be Despondent
Several things have served to make me immune to the despondency that I once was susceptible to and I see others trapped in. 1. The Eucatastrophe: See below – and explain it. It is at the heart of God’s modus operandi. 2. Biblical Law – God’s tool of dominion. He will defeat our enemies and bless…
New Book Needed to Add to Bible
The 4th ‘R’ – Religion
To exclude the Bible is not neutrality, it is warfare
We often think of education in terms of the 3 R’s – Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. But, of course, there are 4 R’s. The most important is Religion – passing the Christian faith on to our children. Here is how Dr. RJ Rushdoony put it:
The goal of our humanistic statist education is the goal of the fall, of Satan. It is the goal of Genesis 3:5. Whereas the goal of Christian education is summed up by Moses and our Lord, Moses says in Deuteronomy 10:12-13, “And now Israel, what doth the Lord require of thee but to fear the Lord, to walk in all his ways and to love Him and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul.” And our Lord tells us in Matthew 22:37-40: “Thou shalt love thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” These words give us the purpose of life as God requires it, they do not give us a world wherein we can be neutral either in regard to man or our neighbor. The purpose of education can be no different because education is preparation for life. We include or we exclude in terms of that goal, certain things, because we are governed by our faiths. As humanists we exclude God as irrelevant, as Christians we see Him as the starting point of all wisdom and learning, and to exclude God, to exclude the Bible from education, is not neutrality, it is warfare.
Every curriculum is an affirmation of faith; it tells us what we believe is essential for life, what we believe a child needs in order to face this world and become a conqueror therein. Humanistic education does not see Christ as essential, but as a road block. It claims to be neutral but there is nothing neutral about it, only warfare against our faith. Any education apart from Jesus Christ is for us, mis-education and it produces not education nor an educated man but a new race of barbarians who are today busily destroying their civilization. It is our duty through our schools to create a new one, a God-centered one. We are told in Proverbs 8:35-36 “For who so findeth me, findeth life, and shall obtain favor of the Lord. But he who sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul. All they that hate me, love death.” Humanistic education is the institutionalized love of death. Christian education, because it serves Him who said I am the way, the truth, and the life, is the love of life.
Religious Nature of Education or Can Education Be Neutral? – RR158A1
Here is a list of resources we used with our family to help pass the faith to our children.
This is a PDF of the different documents we use:
And for younger children we use this:
These were written 300-400 years ago and are very solidly based on Scripture but we need an updated catechism that addresses the same issues that (for ages 12 and up) does but at a level appropriate to younger children. I hope to get that project going soon with your help.
Pocket College
The Gulf Stream vs the Doldrums
Imagine the great Gulf Stream, a current of water circling the Northern Atlantic if you will. Where the current is coherent, real progress is made for all that is in it. However, where there is turbulence a part of the current is diverted and starts to split off and go in circles eventually making up that part of the ocean called doldrums. Sailing ships that get caught in the doldrums go no where. Same with aquatic life there.
Gods LawWord is the stream of life. Within its current there is meaning and purpose as it carries it’s adherents to the goal of the kingdom of Christ. If you get caught outside of the current by some turbulent heresy or other, you can find yourself spinning your wheels going nowhere and eventually dying in the doldrums of meaninglessness and purposelessness.
Attending Pocket College will teach you how to swim within the stream of Biblical law and avoid being caught in the heresies that divert so many into the doldrums.
The Morality of Money
The Bible is a Book of Marching Orders
The Bible is a book of marching orders. And we don’t take well to orders. We want gifts from God, not orders. And we keep praying to God, not for orders, but for gifts. We have the whole thing reversed. We do not say, Here am I oh Lord, send me, what are your orders for me this day? No, we thumb through the Bible to find a happy word for the day.
To shift our responsibility for the conquest for all things for Christ our King from ourselves to institutions is to warp our mandate. It is doing pastors an injustice if we expect them to do our work. They are to teach us, they are to instruct us in the word of God but we are to do the marching. They are the sergeants training the troops.
So the church must serve us educate us, and guide us. But God judges us primarily and we cannot hide in the church on Judgment Day. It won’t work. We are the Royal Priesthood, the empowered people of Chirst. Our education therefore must be Biblical. The Bible is God’s Command-Word. We must reestablish the relationship between reading and the Bible, between faith and action, and between faith and victory. Because as John tells us, “This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.” This is our calling.
RJR – Educating Christian Children Tape 1A
Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Torah of YHVH.
The central question of any age, whose answer defines that age, is “Who is Jesus Christ?” For our anti-nomian age the answer must be, “Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Torah of God” The implications of this understanding cannot be overstated. It is the seed from which the cure of all our ills can be found,…
Introduction, Pocket College
Pocket College Support
Summary Pocket College content is available for free of charge for anyone who wants to read and listen to the material. You can donate to support Pocket College (through my RC account) here: Donations can also be made by check or money order to: Arnold Jagt3321 Sesame Dr.Howell, MI 48843 Please designate “Pocket College” in…
We are born into a law world
Pocket College
What about Accreditation for Christians
Dr. Rushdoony addresses the question of accreditation of Christian Schools and Colleges in this 3 minute clip from an Easy Chair conversation he had with various guests. Universities and Accreditation for Christians Transcript R.J. Rushdoony One of the great evils of our time are the accreditation committees. And they insist that you are not truly a…
RJ Rushdoony Calls for the Creation of Pocket College
RJ Rushdoony was so future oriented and Biblical in his thinking that almost everything he wrote rings as true today as when he wrote it. It is truly timeless. See the report below with the emphasis (mine) on the need to establish Christian colleges. As the students of Pocket College will discover, they are becoming…
Introduction, Pocket College
Online Donation – Tithe Payment
Now that has shown that the vaunted main stream media can be taken down and their credibility destroyed we would like to do the same thing to main stream liberal arts colleges and universities. Pocket College – – has the content. Now it just needs to be properly delivered and presented using all…
Where Socialism Comes From
Reconstruction and Deconstruction
How to Remember All the Commands of YHVH
Numbers 15
37-41 And YHVH spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue: And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of YHVH, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring: That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God. I am YHVH your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am YHVH your God.
A handy place to get pre-made tzitzit is here. You can also make them yourself.
For more Rev. Twistruth see: Ev the Rev Slideshow and
Posting the 10 Commandments
Deuteronomy 6:1-9
1 These are the commands, decrees and laws YHVH your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, 2 so that you, your children and their children after them may fear YHVH your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life. 3 Hear, O Israel, and be careful to obey so that it may go well with you and that you may increase greatly in a land flowing with milk and honey, just as YHVH, the God of your fathers, promised you.
4 Hear, O Israel: YHVH our God, YHVH is one. 5 Love YHVH your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Okay, here is how you can obey the command to write them on the doorframes of your house: just print out the 10 Commandments Sheet for Door Posts and cut out the four copies and staple them to the various door frames. Cover with packing tape to have them last longer.
You can also upload the graphic at the right to your Costco photo account and get 4 x 6 copies printed out for just 13 cents each. They look just great and proclaim that “as for me and my house, we will serve YHVH!”
Biblical Law
The Validity of Biblical Law
A central characteristic of the churches and of modern preaching and Biblical teaching is antinomianism, an anti-law position. The antinomian believes that faith frees the Christian from the law, so that he is not outside the law but is rather dead to the law. There is no warrant whatsoever in Scripture for antinomianism. The expression,…
Biblical Law
The Direction of the Law
– by R.J. Rushdoony In order to understand Biblical law, it is necessary to understand also certain basic characteristics of that law. First, certain broad premises or principles are declared. These are declarations of basic law. The Ten Commandments give us such declarations. The Ten Commandments are not therefore laws among laws, but are the…
Biblical Law
The Law as Revelation and Treaty
Law is in every culture religious in origin. Because law governs man and society, because it establishes and declares the meaning of justice and righteousness, law is inescapably religious, in that it establishes in practical fashion the ultimate concerns of a culture. Accordingly, a fundamental and necessary premise in any and every study of law…
R. J. Rushdoony: Champion of Faith and Liberty
Late this past Thursday evening, Rousas John Rushdoony, founder and long-time president of the Chalcedon Foundation, was ushered into His Lord’s presence after several months of rapidly declining health. The Christian world has lost a giant. I first encountered Rushdoony in what most consider his magnum opus, Institutes of Biblical Law. I was a young…
About RJ Rushdoony
Rousas John Rushdoony(1916-2001) was born in New York City to recently arrived Armenian immigrants who had fled the Turkish massacres of 1915-1916. Within weeks his parents moved to Kingsburg, California, where his father founded an Armenian-speaking Presbyterian church. He spent his boyhood, save for a time when his father was a pastor in Detroit, Michigan,…
Founder’s Foreword: Born Rich
Rev. R. J. Rushdoony December 1997 It is a privilege and a form of wealth to be born into a rich culture, and most Americans, although they fail to recognize it, are born rich. My father and others with an extensive knowledge of various cultures often remarked that the poor in America were richer and…
Culture, Introduction
Cultural Reformation
Rushdoony says in so many words that the long term answer is to produce a complete Christian culture – a reformation of culture that provides a true alternative to the institutionalized love of death culture of the public schools and humanism, a culture where everything is oriented around Christ and His LawWord. This cultural reformation…
Does God’s Law still apply?
Why the controversy over the 10 Commandments? God's Ten Commandments Do they still apply? What do they mean? Do they trump man's laws? Was Jesus Christ the walking, talking, embodiment of God's Law? How are we dead to the law? What is the yardstick for right and wrong? Is it a rubber yardstick or do…
God ‘s Law
The Tamed of God are:
Every area of life is impacted by the religious aspect of man’s being: educational, cultural, political, economical, reproductive, and personal. The job of Humanism, the dominant philosophy in western culture, is to push you into meaninglessness in every area of your life. Once this goal is achieved you commit suicide. The job of Christianity is to offer…
Human Glory
Biblical Law
Welcome to Christ’s Jurisdiction
What jurisdiction? You mean this website? Not just this website. Reality. The universe. Time. Ethics. The whole enchilada. Everything. And then some. Christ (incarnate Torah) Rules through His LawWord (inscripturated Torah), gives meaning, definition, life, health, and context to all things. Thus the study of, and listening and obedience to, His LawWord is to be…
Biblical Law
Institutes of Biblical Law
Introduction to the Law The Importance of the Law by R.J. Rushdoony When Wyclif wrote of his English Bible that “This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people, and for the people,” his statement attracted no attention insofar as his emphasis on the centrality of Biblical law was concerned. That law…
Who is Jesus Christ?
Christ rules…everything. Welcome to, the home of Van Til University, founded on the work and teachings of Cornelius Van Til, the great Dutch philosopher. You can read the book about Van Til by R.J. Rushdoony here. Here is what Rushdoony had to say about Van Til: Van Til is important because he developed the…